VTU supports you from the very second your project idea is born:

  • Compiling and revising operator requirements
  • Process selection, also combined with laboratory tests and pilot system tests
  • Process simulation and configuration of equipment
  • Concept planning, feasibility studies
  • Risk analyses, HAZOPs
  • Plant optimization & process optimization
  • Basic engineering
  • Providing estimations of investments and operating costs, even during early stages of the project


At VTU, decades of experience in simulating processes, performing trials and in industrial systems engineering complement each other.
With experienced engineers from the field of process engineering and state-of-the-art tools, we offer process planning at the highest level.

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Grazia Desantis

Global Sales
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Christian Patterer

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Joris Buffels

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Markus Hegenbart

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Tomasz Feret

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Eduard Sarbu

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Hendrik Pantlen

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