HAZOP, SWIFT, LOPA & Co – identifying risks and providing adequate protection against them 

For the safe operation of systems, it is necessary to preventively identify the possible process risks and define suitable protection measures against them. Structured risk analyses ensure this and help prevent serious industrial accidents and operational disruptions. With our many years of experience in planning and implementing processes, VTU has the expertise to carry out risk analyses of this kind on a customer-oriented basis and according to the statutory, commercial and safety requirements.

Specially trained VTU engineers and safety experts moderate your’ risk analyses, identify the relevant process risks together with you and define the necessary measures to prevent accidents and personal injury. Our staff will also ensure that these measures are incorporated into system designs and operational safety concepts, on request.

GxP assessment and FMEA – ensuring your product is GMP-compliant!

Whether you want to create a risk management SOP or a process FMEA or define the scope of qualification based on risk – our GMP and risk experts are happy to support you. 
We support you in implementing your life-cycle risk management process and moderate your GMP risk analyses – for commissioning & qualification, process and computer validation, in the warehouse & logistics area, so also for quality control and the prevention of cross-contamination.

Are you still analysing or already managing?

Whether it’s HAZOP, HAZID, LOPA, Ishikawa, SWIFT or FMEA – we know and are able to find the best risk analysis method for your needs – and of course adapt it to your specifications and standards. Although we are all talking about IIoT / Pharma 4.0 today, many companies still use Word or Excel to create their risk analysis. To take a step into the future, the VTU Group has developed the innovative risk management expert system “REXS”, which we can also use for your projects on request. 


You can expect the following added value:

  • Reuse and use of existing risk knowledge
  • Simplified definition of measures and centralised response management
  • Automated generation of test plans, reports and traceability matrices
  • Greater efficiency and conformity between the risks analyses or the documents created from them


You can find out more on the REXS website.

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